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Initialize Flybuy on Launch#

Configuration should happen as early as possible in your application's lifecycle. e.g. useEffect hook in your root container.

To configure everything properly pass your APP token to the configure method on FlyBuy.Core. Also, any modules that are used need to be configured.

The following code snipper provides an example of configuring flybuy on application launch.

import * as React from 'react';
import FlyBuy from 'react-native-bildit-flybuy';
export default function App() {
React.useEffect(() => {
FlyBuy.Notify.configure(); // If using notify feature
FlyBuy.Notify.configure(''); // If using notify feature and background task
FlyBuy.Pickup.configure(); // If using pickup feature
FlyBuy.Presence.configure('YOUR_PRESENCE_UUID_HERE'); // If using presence feature
}, []);
return (...)

If you don’t already have an APP token please contact your Flybuy Account Executive to get set up.

Feature Modules#

After initial setup, refer to the appropriate module guide for details on using Flybuy: